Download the source code:
In the folder So-o, compile the library libso-o.a:
$ cd So-o
$ make
ar rc libso-o.a So-o.o Object.o OL.o list.o alist.o Once.o Application.o Responder.o
If you wish to add the library and the header files of So-o to your system, type make install
$ sudo make install
install -c -m 444 -o 0 -g 0 So-o.h Object.h OL.h list.h alist.h Hello.h Once.h Application.h Responder.h /usr/local/include/so-o
install -c -m 444 -o 0 -g 0 libso-o.a /usr/local/lib
- /usr/local
- lib
- libso-o.a
- include
- so-o
- So-o.h
- Object.h
- OL.h
- Hello.h
- Once.h
- Application.h
- Responder.h
- alist.h
- list.h
- so-o
- lib